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About Me?

"Uyaz'thanda kodwa izinto, az'ba uzondthini" - ancient Xhosa proverb

About SSAM: About Us

Educational History

A couple of weeks after submitting my resignation letter I am reminded by the three stages of my life that I have gone through. The  school learning as a child, the university learning as a man and the work learning as a parent. I'm reminded that my "achievements" might inspire someone else. Please don't view these and think I am looking for any kind of praise, well I mean praise me for being a God not really these lame system things. Oh thank you to any offers that come with these. Please.


I really always believed I had the sexiests of CVs, lol now that I don't have to compete with anyone, not that they had a chance anyway lmao, but here's mine to copy. Copy the format, but mostly copy the hard work!!! Well I mean hard is relative here I guess lol.

University Transcript

Don't really have anything inspirational to say here. I was just a drunk that got by with luck I guess. Or the voices in my head?? Alas, we'll never know. I don't think there's a course that scared me like the honors Quantum Mechanics, and I was the only one in the class..imagine lmao.


Lol only great memory I have from High School was when Ramy turned off the light when we were doing an experiment with light. Some refraction or something experiment and because he saw everyone covering their eyes he thought it was blinding us hahahaha. Because he was fast asleep when uMlungu was explaining the experiment lmao. Never laughed that much

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